@database NewWP @$VER: WangiPad_Documentation 1.16 @author "Lee Kindness" @node Main "Amigaguide Documentation for WangiPad v1.16" @{fg highlight} __@{fg text} @{fg highlight} ___________\ \____________________________@{fg text} @{fg highlight} \_____ ____\ \____________________ __ \ @{fg text} WangiPad 1.16 @{fg highlight} / / \ \ / /_/ /@{fg text} @{b}THE@{ub} tool launcher @{fg highlight} / / __ \ \ / _____/@{fg text} for your Workbench 2.04 @{fg highlight} / / / \ \ \ __ / /@{fg text} Amiga. @{fg highlight} / / / /\ \ \ \ \ \/ /@{fg text} @{fg highlight} / /___/ / \ \__\ \ \ /@{fg text} @{fg highlight} \______/ \_____/angi! \_/ad@{fg text} @{" Introduction " link INTRO } : Read this NOW. @{" Features " link FEATURES } : Why use WP? @{" Usage " link USAGE } : How to use it. @{" Version History " link VERH } : Evolution. @{" To Do " link TODO } : My plans. @{" Thanks/Greets " link TABILLY } : Ta Billy :) @{" Contact/Register " link CONTACT } : Authors address. @{" Other Programs " link OtherProgs.doc/main } : Some programs you should try. @{" Distribution " link Distribution.doc/main} : Important! @{fg highlight}WangiPad the "clean and fresh" tool launcher. Copyright 94-95 Lee Kindness.@{fg text} @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node INTRO "Introduction. It all began when..." WangiPad... Eh? Yes it is a strange name but it is a simply a program that launches programs. You will know what it is like if you have a harddisk, click-click, click-click, click-click... through all your drawers to run just one program. WangiPad is the solution to this problem. It creates a menu on your Workbench screen. Chances are that you will probably be using a @{"similar utility" link FEATURES 37} already, so why change to WangiPad? The main reason in my opinion is the format of the menu it creates, most similar utilities create rows of buttons or just add items to the Workbench Tools menu. However WangiPad creates a scrolling list of items (called a pad). This method saves space and is more elegant than other solutions. For more advantages see @{"Features" link FEATURES}. Oh, by the way, Wangi actually means "@{i}Clean and Fresh@{ui}" (Malaysian?), or so I have been told. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node FEATURES "Features of WangiPad" Here are the main features of WangiPad over similar utilities (which are listed later): 1. Has a unique @{"list approach" link UPREFS} (using a gadtools listview). 2. Because of 1. it saves space on your Workbench screen, when compared to the button docks of ToolManager, ButtonMenu and AmiDock. 3. The list approach is less awkward than using the Workbench Tools menu. However WangiPad can also add items to the Workbench @{"Tools menu" link G_TOOL}. 4. WangiPad supports @{"multiple argument substitution" link ARGSUB}. For example, you use shift-select the pick a group of files, hold down shift and drag the files over an item on WangiPad's list. The corresponding item is then run with the passed files as arguments. 5. Items on the list can be of the following @{"types" link G_TYPE}: Workbench, Shell ARexx or Comment. 6. Each item can have a @{"hotkey" link G_HOTK} for all you keyboard junkies. 7. It is @{"easy to configure" link UPREFS}... just drag the icon of the command you wish to add to the list to the preference window and its added. 8. Has an easy to use @{"preference editor" link UPREFS}. 9. It is being constantly improved and updated, see @{"ToDo" link TODO} and @{"Version History" link VERH}. 10. Eh, it has a cool name :) @{u}Similar Utilities@{uu} If WangiPad does not appeal to you, or if you want to compare then here is where you can find similar utilities on Aminet: ToolManager21bin.lha util/boot 490K+ToolManager 2.1 (Binaries and Documentatio ToolManager21gfx.lha util/boot 175K+ToolManager 2.1 (Anims, Brushes and Icons) ButtonMenu_122.lha util/misc 58K+Easy creation of customizable menus (OS2.0 AmiDock.lha util/boot 56K+Amiga version of NeXT's Dock facility. V1. ToolsDeamon.lha util/wb 29K+Run programs from tools menu, V1.0, bin. V Of course this is not a list of all similar utilities, but a summary of the better ones (IMHO). @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node USAGE "Using WangiPad" @{" Installation " link INSTALL} : The first steps... @{" Using WangiPrefs " link UPREFS } : The NeXT step... @{" Using WangiPad " link UPAD } : The final step... @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node INSTALL "Installing WangiPad" To install WangiPad, simply double-click on the supplied installer script (Install_WangiPad). This script requires the Commodore installer. It is assumed that you already have Reqtools installed on your system. It is required only for minor functions and therefore is not crucial. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node UPREFS "Using WangiPrefs" WangiPrefs is used to configure WangiPad to your needs. The @{"installer script" link INSTALL}, by default, copies WangiPrefs to SYS:Prefs/. You can use WangiPrefs by either double-clicking on its icon from Workbench or selecting the "Preferences..." item on the menu attached to a WangiPad pad. If launch via the "Preferences..." @{"menuitem" link N_PREF} then the preferences of @{"that pad" link P_ARGS} will be altered, even if it does not use the default S:Wangi.prefs preference file. The main window of WangiPrefs contains the following buttons and gadgets, select the appropriate one for more information: @{" List Items " link U_LIST} : List containing all items on the pad. @{" Settings " link U_SETT} : Misc. global settings. @{" Save " link U_SAVE} : Save the preferences. @{" Cancel " link U_QUIT} : Cancel, without saving. @{" Top " link U_TOPX} : Move item to top of list. @{" Up " link U_UPXX} : Move item up list. @{" Down " link U_DOWN} : Move item down list. @{" Bottom " link U_BOTT} : Move item to bottom of list. @{" Sort " link U_SORT} : Sort the list. @{" New " link U_NEWX} : Add a new item to the list. @{" Remove " link U_REMO} : Remove an item from the list. @{" Copy " link U_COPY} : Clone an item on the list. The following menus also exist: @{"Project/Open... " link U_OPEN} : Open another preference file. @{"Project/Append... " link U_APND} : Append another preference file. @{"Project/Save As... " link U_SVAS} : Save preferences elsewhere. @{"Project/About... " link U_INFO} : Some information on WangiPad. @{"Project/Quit " link U_QUIT} : Quit without saving. @{"Edit/Reset To Defaults " link U_DEFS} : Reset preferences to default settings. @{"Edit/Restore " link U_REST} : Reset preferences to previous values. To make configuration easier you can simply drag the icon of the program that you wish to add to the menu into the window. This will create an appropriate item and bring up the @{"Edit Pad Item" link EDITPAD} window. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node U_LIST "List Items Listview" This list contains all items that will be on the created pad. To edit an item, simply double-click on it and the @{"Edit Pad Item" link EDITPAD} window will pop up. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node U_SETT "Settings" This list contains items which allow you to edit some global settings for the pad. Double click on an item to modify that setting. Settings: @{" Font " link S_FONT} : The font used on the pad. @{" Window Title " link S_WTIT} : Text in the pad titlebar. @{" Screen Title " link S_STIT} : Text on the screen titlebar. @{" Window " link S_WIND} : Settings for the pad window. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node U_SAVE "Save" The Save button will save the current preferences and exit the program. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node U_QUIT "Cancel/Quit" The cancel button and the Quit menuitem will exit the program. The settings will not be saved and the pad will be as it was before you ran WangiPrefs. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node U_TOPX "Top" This button will cause the currently selected item in the @{"List Items" link U_LIST} list to move to the top. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node U_UPXX "Up" This button will move the currently selected item in the @{"List Items" link U_LIST} up one position. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node U_DOWN "Down" This button will move the currently selected item in the @{"List Items" link U_LIST} down one position. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node U_BOTT "Bottom" This button will move the currently selected item in the @{"List Items" link U_LIST} list to the bottom of the list. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node U_SORT "Sort" This button will cause the @{"List Items" link U_LIST} to be sorted. It is sorted into ascending alphabetical order. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node U_NEWX "New" This button will add a new item to the top of the @{"List Items" link U_LIST} list. The @{"edit pad" link EDITPAD} window will pop up allowing you to edit the new item. If you select cancel on the edit pad window then this item will be removed. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node U_REMO "Remove" This button will delete the currently selected item in the @{"List Items" link U_LIST} list. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node U_COPY "Copy" This button will clone the currently selected item in the@{"List Items" link U_LIST} list. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node U_OPEN "Project/Open..." Open a new preference file, loosing the current one (all changes are lost). NOTE: Even thought you have opened a new file, if you now press the @{"Save" link U_SAVE} button then the preferences will be saved to the original file (defaults to S:Wangi.prefs or the the appropriate file if the @{"Preferences" link N_PREFS} menuitem was selected from WangiPad. To save the file in another location, use the @{"Save As" link U_SVAS} menuitem. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node U_APND "Project/Append..." Add the items stored in another file to the end of the current list. The other settings in this file are ignored. This is useful if you wish to join two preference file together into one. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node U_SVAS "Project/Save As..." Save the preference file in a user-defined location. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node U_INFO "Project/About..." Display some information. Shows the current version of WangiPad and also to whom it is registered. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node U_DEFS "Edit/Reset To Defaults" Sets the miscellaneous @{"Settings" link U_SETT} to their default values and clears the @{"List Items" link U_LIST} list. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node U_REST "Edit/Restore" Resets the preferences to their values before WangiPad was run. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node EDITPAD "Edit Pad Item Window" This window lets you fine tune the preferences of each single item. It contains the following gadgets: @{" Type " link G_TYPE} : Type of item cycle gadget. @{" Item Text " link G_TEXT} : Text in list string gadget. @{" Directory " link G_CDIR} : Directory string gadget. @{" Command " link G_CMDX} : Command string gadget. @{" Priority " link G_PRIO} : Priority slider gadget. @{" Stack " link G_STCK} : Stack integer gadget. @{" Input/Output " link G_INOU} : I/O string gadget. @{" ARexx Command " link G_REXC} : Rexx command string gadget. @{" ARexx Port " link G_REXP} : Rexx port string gadget. @{" Hot Key " link G_HOTK} : Hotkey string gadget. @{" Tools Menu " link G_TOOL} : Tools menu checkmark gadget. @{" Edit Command " link G_ECMD} : Edit command checkmark gadget. @{" Ok " link G_OKBU} : Ok button. @{" Cancel " link G_CANC} : Cancel button. If any of the gadgets are shaded, and therefore unselectable in means that this option is not available for the selected @{"Type" link G_TYPE}. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node G_TYPE "Type" This cycle gadget lets you specify what type this item is. It can be one of the following: @{b}Shell@{ub}: The command is launched as if it were typed in at the command line. @{b}Workbench@{ub}: The command is launched as if it were double-clicked from Workbench. See @{"Argument Substitution" link ARGSUB 26} and @{"Bugs" link BASTARDS}. @{b}ARexx@{ub}: This item initiates an ARexx command. @{b}Comment@{ub}: This is only a comment in the list, if selected in will do nothing. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node G_TEXT "Item Text" This string gadget specifies the text that will appear in the list. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node G_CDIR "Directory" This is the directory in which the @{"Command" link G_CMDX} is located. It can be set using a file requester if use press the "^" gadget. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node G_CMDX "Command" This is the command to be launched. It can be set using a file requester if use press the "^" gadget. This command supports @{"argument substitution" link ARGSUB} @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node G_PRIO "Priority" This lets you specify the priority of the launched @{"Command" link G_CMDX}. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node G_STCK "Stack" This lets you set the stack size of the launched @{"Command" link G_CMDX}. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node G_INOU "Input/Output" Lets you specify the input/output file handles for the @{"Command" link G_CMDX}. If empty then "NIL:" is assumed (i.e. all output is lost). If you want all input and output to a console window then use: CON:X/Y/WIDTH/HEIGHT/TITLE/AUTO/WAIT/CLOSE CON:////MyComamnd/AUTO/WAIT CON:0/0/200/100//AUTO/WAIT/CLOSE (for further information see the documentation for KingCon (on Aminet: util/shell/KingCON_1.3.lha (or similar))) @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node G_REXC "ARexx Command" This lets you specify the ARexx command to be launched. These commands are usually described in the supplying utilities documentation. Some example commands and @{"ports" link G_REXP} are: @{fg highlight}@{u}Port Command Action@{uu}@{fg text} REXX Starts an ARexx script PLAY file Plays a sound sample using Upd (don't insert < and >) This command supports @{"argument substitution" link ARGSUB}. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node G_REXP "ARexx Port" This lets you specify the port or client that the @{"ARexx Command" link REXC} will be sent to. ARexx ports are CASE SENSITIVE. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node G_HOTK "Hot Key" This string gadget lets you specify a hotkey that will launch this item. The hotkey is defined in the normal @{"input description" link cx_desc.doc/main} manner. This feature is only available if you @{"register" link CONTACT} WangiPad. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node G_TOOL "Tools Menu" This checkmark gadget lets you specify if this item is to be added to the Workbench tools menu. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node G_ECMD "Edit Command" If this checkmark is checked then a requester will popup after you select this item in the list. It will allow you to change the command that is to be executed. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node G_OKBU "Ok" Returns to main window, retaining the changes made to this item. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node G_CANC "Cancel" Returns to main window, ignoring changes made to this item. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node S_FONT "Font" Specifies the font to be used in the pad. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node S_WTIT "Window Title" The text on the pad windows titlebar. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node S_STIT "Screen Title" The text on the screen titlebar. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node S_WIND "Window Settings" This item allows you to modify the appearance and positioning of the pad window. The window that pops up has the following gadgets: @{" Left Edge " link W_LEFT} : Left position of pad. @{" Top Edge " link W_TOPE} : Top position of pad. @{" Width " link W_WIDT} : Width of pad. @{" Height " link W_HEIG} : Height of pad. @{" Grab Current Position " link W_GCPO} : Set the above items. @{" PubScreen " link W_PUBS} : Public Screen. @{" ScrollerW " link W_SCRW} : Scroller Width. @{" Pad Type " link W_PADT} : Type of pad. @{" Selection " link W_SLCT} : Selection of items. @{" Ok " link W_OKBU} : Accept changes. @{" Cancel " link W_CANC} : Cancel changes. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node W_LEFT "Left Edge" In this integer gadget you can enter the position of the screen that the left edge of the pad will appear at (in screen pixels). @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node W_TOPE "Top Edge" The screen position that the top edge of the pad will appear at, in screen pixels @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node W_WIDT "Width" Width of the pad, in screen pixels. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node W_HEIG "Height" Height of the pad in screen pixels. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node W_GCPO "Grab Current Position" Sets the the @{"Left Edge" link W_LEFT}, @{"Top Edge" link W_TOPE}, @{"Width" link W_WIDT} and @{"Height" link W_HEIG} gadgets to the current values. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node W_PUBS "Public Screen" Specifies the public screen that the pad will open on. Note that public screen names are case SeNsItIvE :) If blank or the specified screen does not exist then the pad will open on default public screen. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node W_SCRW "Scroller Width" Lets you alter the width of the scroller in the list in the pad. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node W_PADT "Pad Type" Lets you alter the type of pad created, can one of the following: @{b}Float@{ub}: The default type of pad, much like any other window. @{b}Backdrop@{ub}: A backdrop pad. The pad cannot be dragged or depth arranged. @{b}Backmost@{ub}: As float but the pad is automatically pushed to the back every @{"n" link n 34} seconds, see @{"bugs" link BASTARDS}. @{b}FrontMost@{ub}: As Backmost but brought to the front. @{b}No Border@{ub}: As Backdrop but the pad has no borders... It looks really cool and appears to be an integral part of your Workbench. My favorite :) @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node W_SLCT "Selection" Can be either double-click or single-click. Which ever one is selected will be used to distinguish a selection on the pad (@{"Registered" link CONTACT} version only) @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node W_OKBU "Ok" Accepts the edits made and returns to the main window. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node W_CANC "Cancels changes made and returns to the main window. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node UPAD "Using WangiPad" @{" Program Arguments " link P_ARGS} : More Options... @{" The Menus, Quitting and Hiding " link P_MENU} : Misc. stuff. @{" Error Codes " link P_EROR} : Problems? For more detailed information on usage, see the chapter on @{"WangiPrefs" link UPREFS} and the document on @{"argument substitution" link ARGSUB}. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node P_ARGS "Program Arguments" WangiPad supports a number of icon tooltypes, these are useful if you want to have more than one copy of WangiPad running at a time: @{b}FROM@{ub}: The preference file that the pad will use. If not specified then S:Wangi.prefs is used. @{b}PREF@{ub}: The complete path and file name of the @{"preference editor" link UPREFS}. This is used by the preferences menuitem. Defaults to SYS:Prefs/WangiPrefs. @{b}LEVELTIME@{ub}: If the @{"pad type" link G_TYPE} is set to Backmost or Frontmost then every n seconds it will be pushed/brought to the back/front. @{b}CX_PRIORITY@{ub}: The priority of WangiPad in the commodities network. Defaults to -1. @{b}CX_POPKEY@{ub}: The @{"input description" link cx_desc.doc/main} of the event that will cause the pad window to @{"open or close" link P_MENU}. Defaults to "rawkey control w", i.e. Ctrl-w. These arguments are also supported if WangiPad is launched from the Shell, the following template is used: FROM,PREF/K,LEVELTIME/K/N,CX_PRIORITY/K/N,CX_POPKEY/K @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node P_MENU "The Menus, Quitting and Hiding" WangiPad has a menu strip with the following items on it: @{" Project/Preferences... " link N_PREF} : Edit preferences. @{" Project/About... " link U_INFO} : Some information. @{" Project/Hide " link N_HIDE} : Hide the pad. @{" Project/Quit " link N_QUIT} : Quit WangiPad. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node N_PREF "Preferences..." Lets you alter the settings of the pad. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node N_HIDE "Hide" Hides the pad. The pad can also be hidden by pressing @{"CX_POPKEY" link P_ARGS}, h, H or the Hide button in Commodities Exchange. To Show the pad again press @{"CX_POPKEY" link P_ARGS} or select Show in Commodities Exchange. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node N_QUIT "Quit" Quits WangiPad. Will you ever use this... The Remove button in Commodities Exchange, q and Q will also quit WangiPad. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node P_EROR "Problems, Errors??" If an error occurs while WangiPad is initilising then one of the following will appear: 1. Can't open gadtools.library (or version too old, V36 needed). 2. Can't open graphics.library. 3. Can't open workbench.library (or version too old, V36 needed). 4. Can't open commodities.library (or version too old, V37 needed). 5. Can't open diskfont.library. 6. Can't open icon.library. 7. Unable to load the preference file (most common error). 8. Can't open the window. 9. Can't initilise commodities bits. 10. Can't initilise inter-process-communication bits 11. Can't initilise the AppWindow stuff. 12. Can't initilise DOS Notify stuff. 13. Can't initilise timer bits 'n' bobs. If an error occurs when WangiPad is trying to launch a command, i.e. the command does not exist, then a requester will popup telling you of this. If any other error occurs or the program fails in any way then please @{"contact" link CONTACT} @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node ARGSUB "Multiple Argument Substitution" WangiPad has a feature that lets you pass arguments to selected programs. For example you can create an @{"item" link EDITPAD} to view a picture, but how do you make it versatile enough to view @{b}any@{ub} file? Simple... argument substitution. You would, for example, enter the following as the @{"command" link G_CMDX} in such an item: (Using Viewtek) Viewtek [] (1) note the argument braces. You can place these braces anywhere in the command: Viewtek [] HIRES LACE (2) To use argument substitution you simple drag the selected icons (you can select more than one using shift-select or marque) over the corresponding item on the list or select the item from the Workbench @{"tools menu" link G_TOOL} if it is added to it. So assuming you dragged a file, file1, on to the above item (2), WangiPad would expand it to the following before execution: Viewtek file1 HIRES LACE (3) If you dragged four files (file1, file2, file3 and file4) then it would be expanded to: Viewtek file1 file2 file3 file4 HIRES LACE (4) WangiPad can do this argument expansion to the @{"Command" link G_CMDX} and @{"ARexx Command" link G_REXC} fields of an item. If an item is of @{"type" link G_TYPE} Workbench then argument substitution is automatically done as if the files had been shift selected and then the tool double-clicked, you should (and MUST) not add the [] braces. Argument substitution has some problems with Workbench 2.X, see the section on @{"bugs" link BASTARDS}. @{i}(In examples (3) and (4) the files are shown simply as fileX in the expanded command, in reality they also are expanded to their full path, eg SYS:Directory/SubDir/file1). Also another limitation of argument substitution is that the maximum length of command line generated is 255 characters long (this limitation does not exist in Workbench type items))@{ui} @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node BASTARDS "Bugs" A couple of peculiarities (NOT Bugs :) exist in WangiPad, here they @{b}Argument Passing@{ub}: The above argument substitution works on any item in the list if you are using Workbench 3. However if you are using Workbench 2 then it will only work on the first window full of items. No arguments will be passed to any items apart from the first pad full. This is due to limitations of Workbench 2. You can always access the item from the Workbench tools menu to overcome this. @{b}PadType@{ub}: If you are using MagicMenus then the "Backmost" and "Frontmost" options will create a menu time-out every LEVELTIME seconds if the menu is in use then. This is not a bug of WangiPad, rather it it a documented side effect of MagicMenu, sea the documentation of MagicMenu for more info. @{b}Workbench launch of programs@{ub}: If you configure a project icon as a "Workbench" item then it will only launch successfully if the tooltype of icon is not relative, i.e. a tooltype of "IconX" will fail, "C:IconX" will succeed. This is a bug with WBStart-Handler. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node VERH "Version History" WangiPad was programmed using Highspeed Pascal on an A1200 with a 68030 CPU, 6 MB RAM and 120 MB HD. WangiPad has been tested using Enforcer... It has not punched me! (REG) indicates feature is only available if you register. 1.0 : 20.11.94 + Initial version. 1.1 : 24.11.94 + Added "PREF" tooltype and the "About..." and "Preferences..." menuitems to WangiPad. 1.2 : 04.12.94 + Added the "Pad Level" MX gadgets, these control if the pad is always the front window, backwindow, floating or a backdrop window. Added the "LEVELTIME" option to set the time in seconds that it is checked, defaulting to 5 seconds. 1.3 : 11.12.94 + Added the "Type" cycle gadget to the edit pad item window, commands can now be launched as if they were double clicked from Workbench. 1.4 : 12.12.94 + Added "ARexx" and "Comment" to the "Type" cycle gadget in the edit pad window. + When the "Preferences..." menuitem is selected from the pad, the current preference file that the pad is using is edited and not the default. 1.5 : 12.12.94 + Added "No Border" to the "Pad Level" radio gadgets, with this option the pad has no borders, it appears as if the list is directly on and part of the Workbench. 1.6 : 13.12.94 + Changed the "Pad Level" radio button gadgets to "Pad type" cycle gadget + Added "ScrollerW" slider gadget, set the width of the scroller on the pad. + Changed the "Priority" integer gadget in the edit pad item window to a slider gadget. + *Huge* cosmetic face lift to the preferences program. How has backfilled areas around the gadgets in all the windows (ala ASL requesters). 1.7 : 20.12.94 + Shell commands now inherit their path from WangiPad when WangiPad has been started from the Workbench. (A LOT OF WORK) + When an item is "Remove"d from the "List Items" list the list no longer moves up to the top item. + Escape, "Q" and "q" now quit WangiPad, (when pad window is active). + "H" and "h" hides the pad window. 1.8 : 03.01.95 + Now uses a key file. + Can now use either a single or a double click to select an item in the pad (REG) (suggested by Bill Falls). + Items can now have hotkeys (REG) (suggested by Bill Falls). + Ctrl-C when pad is active quits. 1.9 : 04.01.95 + bugfix, if you picked an invalid font the pad would open with no text, now defaults to topaz. + default CX_PRIORITY changed from 0 to -1. 1.10 : 05.01.95 + Added AppWindow, if you drop an icon on the prefs editor window then a new item matching it will be added to the list. 1.11 : 11.01.95 + A requester now pops up if a command can't be executed, the beep before was confusing. + Code error handling cleaned up. 1.12 : 15.01.95 + Removed three Enforcer hits when the close gadget of a "Float" type pad was selected (was being closed twice). 1.13 : 06.02.95 + Items can now be added to the Tools menu as well. 1.14 : 25.02.95 + Added "Append" menuitem to preferences, it will append a preference file to the current one. 1.15 : 26.02.95 + Added the "Edit Command" option. 1.16 : 12.03.95 + Rewrote documentation. Was 19520 bytes (with 14 nodes, 24 links) now 37473 bytes (with 71 nodes, 140 links). @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node TODO "My Plans for WangiPad" WangiPad is still not complete, here is a list of features that you should expect to see added to WangiPad (in order of time): 1. Add "Test" menuitem to preference program. 2. Allow the specification of minimum and maximum number of arguments if argument substitution is used. 3. Add an ARexx interface ?????? 4. Reprogram the utility in C. 5. Add the facility for multiple pads. 6. Allow images in the list as well as text. 7. Put the core of the program into a standard Amiga library, so that it could be used by external/other programs. If you have any other ideas or suggestions then please don not hesitate to @{"Contact" link CONTACT} me. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node TABILLY "Thanks and Greets" Thanks go to the following people for daily testing and usage: Adam Kindness, Tom Pettigrew, Jon Pettigrew. For WBStart-Handler: Stefan Becker For suggestions: Tom Pettigrew Bill Falls Eldr SlingShot And greets to: Secka (what is your util then... ?) F1Oli (WangiPad is better than ButtonMenu :) Eldr (What is the name of your HTML 2 Guide converter then?) SlingShot (GuideCompiler is koul...) Acechan (I want your mods) Logixs MagicWB Hanz Active8 And to all on #amiga on IRC @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node CONTACT "How to Contact the Author" WangiPad is @{b}Shareware@{ub}... A shareware contribution of around @{b}10@{ub} is expected. If you register WangiPad then you will be sent a @{b}key file@{ub} which unlocks currently unusable features of WangiPad (i.e. @{b}Hotkeys@{ub}), you will also be sent a @{b}disk full of programs@{ub} written by myself. If you don't register WangiPad then the Wangi will get you (I was lying when I said it meant "clean and fresh"... It is really an evil spirit :) Registrations and other correspondence (i.e. @{"bug" link BASTARDS} reports, suggestions, praise, computers, PD/SW Software, babes....) can be sent to the following addresses: @{" Mail " link C_MAIL} @{" E-Mail " link C_EMAIL} @{" IRC " link C_IRC} A bit of @{"SIRDS" link SIRDS} fun :) X X X X HREFITHVZFBGUVDHREFITHVZFBGUVDHREFITHVZFBGUVDHREFITHVZFBGUVDHREFITHVZF FRTJQMNJOPSJPDFFRTJQMNJOPSJPDFFRTJQMNJOPSJPDFFRTJQMNJOPSJPDFFRTJQMNJOP LBUNNAFSVWKZDTSLBUNNAFSVWKZDTSBUNNAAFSVWKZDTSBUNNAAFSVWKZDTSBUNNAAFSVW VZGGUKLOCPHCCFCVZGGUKLOCPHCCFCVGGUKLTOCPHCCFCVGGUKLTOCPHCCFCVGGUKLTOCP MPCVZKGTDBIAPITMPCKGTDBIAPITMPCKHGTDBAPITMPCKPHGTDBAPITMPCKPHGTDBEAPIT PUBXLNYCYRNLAPOPULNYCYRNLAPOPULNYVCYRNAPOPULNYDVCYRNAPOPULNYYVCYRNTAPO ZUUWYTCSPGBEVUTZUUWYTCSPEVUTZKCUUWTCSPEKVUTZKCUUWTCSPEKUTZNKCUWTCSQPEK VRNBBZWMSYVLERWVRNBBZWMVLERWIGVNBBBWMVLEGRWIGVNBBIWMVLGRWIGVNBBIWLMVLG WHKXIQQUSLCXVJXWHKXIQQSCXYVOJXHKXICQSCXYVROJXHKICQSSCYVROJXYHKICQSSCYV JCCSMDZFQWCGVLWJCCSMDFQWCGHVLJCCSMDLFWCGHVKLJCCMDLFFCGHVKLHJCCMDLFFCGH FZIIUIKDMDJWWYSFZIIUKDMDJFWYSFVZIUKNDDJFWYSOFVZIKNDDJFWYSAOFVZIKNDDJFW XRGVKEWBQIHQFFJXRGVKWBQIHQFFJMXRGKWBQIHQFFJMMXRGKBQIHQFFNJMMXRGKBQIHQF LBBYODUJXJDYKOXLBBYODUJXJDYKOXLBBYODUJXJDYKOXLBBYODUJXJDYKOXLBBYODUJXJ LWUXTQRQRFYRMHYLWUXTQRQRFYRMHYLWUXTQRQRFYRMHYLWUXTQRQRFYRMHYLWUXTQRQRF Mail me if you can see the image... @{fg highlight}@{b}LSK _\\//@{ub}@{fg text} @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node SIRDS "SIRDS" This text SIRDS (Single Image Random Dot Stereogram) was created using make3d (text/misc/mk3d1.1.lha on Aminet). It is highly possible that I will be programming a utility based on mk3d, so keep a look out for TxtBald (will be text/misc/TxtBald.lha on Aminet). @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node C_MAIL "Mail Address" Lee Kindness 8 Craigmarn Road Portlethen Village Aberdeen AB1 4QR SCOTLAND. @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node C_EMAIL "email address" Up until around September 95: bh1bs@rgueee.eee.rgu.ac.uk (put "LSK" in the subject) After around September 95: @{fg highlight}cs1lk@sal.scms.rgu.ac.uk@{fg text} @{b}(PLEASE ALWAYS TRY THIS FIRST EVEN BEFORE@{ub} or @{b}SEPTEMBER 95)@{ub} cs2lk@sal.scms.rgu.ac.uk @endnode # ***************************************************************************** @node C_IRC "Internet Relay Chat" You can catch me on IRC quite regularly (maybe 1-2pm GMT week days and other misc. times). My nick is @{b}Wangi@{ub} (normally on #amiga and #theend, so please type: /describe gives Wangi a pad (or similar...) while on #amiga. If I'm not there then you can always leave a message with the bot mama. @endnode IF YOU ARE READING THIS THEN YOU MUST BE INQUISITIVE (OR VIEWING THIS FILE THROUGH A TEXT VIEWER)... L85 D00D!!